the Supreme Court appointed the Special Investigation Team on March 26,
2008, victim survivors and human rights groups were hopeful that justice
would finally see the light of day. The trials of nine of the worst cases
of violence that occurred during the 2002 carnage in Gujarat had been
stayed by an order of the apex court five years earlier, on November 21,
2003. It was affidavits filed by victim survivors pointing out the
farcical investigations carried out by the Gujarat police, the hasty and
irregular granting of bail to powerful accused and the dropping of names
of the accused who were close to the police or the political establishment
that had led the court to take this historic step.
In its report in 2002, the National Human Rights
Commission (NHRC) had severely indicted the government of Gujarat for
complicity in the state-sponsored carnage and recommended that these nine
cases, as well as the Best Bakery case, be investigated not by the state
police but by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Following the
sensational disclosures in the Best Bakery case in 2003, the NHRC had
approached the Supreme Court for a transfer of these cases along with the
Best Bakery case for trial/retrial outside Gujarat. A year earlier, basing
their petition on the NHRC’s recommendations, several citizens, including
DN Pathak (former president of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties,
Gujarat) and myself (Teesta Setalvad, secretary, Citizens for Justice and
Peace – CJP) had approached the apex court in May 2002, asking for a
transfer of investigation to the CBI.
Five years and many hiccups later, the Supreme Court
granted the transfer of investigation in these crucial cases not to the
CBI, as pleaded for by the victim survivors and petitioners, but to a
specially constituted Special Investigation Team (SIT). In its judgement
appointing the SIT, the Supreme Court had observed, “Communal harmony is
the hallmark of democracy… If in the name of religion people are killed,
that is a slur and blot on democracy.” In January 2008 even the centre had
backed the petitioners’ demand for a transfer of the investigation to the
The apex court asked Dr RK Raghavan, a former director of
the CBI, to head the SIT and also named a retired senior police officer,
CB Satpathy, to assist in carrying out this historic task. As to the rest
of the team members, a hasty agreement by the apex court to suggestions
made by the state of Gujarat (itself accused of grave interference in the
investigations) and the amicus curiae, Harish Salve, has, two years later,
proved to have been a serious mistake.
In March 2008 survivor-eyewitnesses and citizens’ groups
had objected to the appointment of Shivanand Jha to the team. Jha had
occupied a senior post in the Ahmedabad police force during the 2002
carnage and was therefore accountable for the breakdown of law and order
in that city. Promoted to home secretary by the Narendra Modi
administration in subsequent years, he had actively opposed all pleas for
transfer of investigation in these cases. Moreover, Jha is among the
accused in the Zakiya Ahsan Jaffri/CJP criminal complaint of mass murder
and conspiracy against Modi and 61 other accused. The Supreme Court, by an
order dated April 27, 2009, directed the SIT to probe into this complaint.
AK Malhotra, a retired CBI official, is handling this high-profile
Indian Police Service officer Geeta Johri is another SIT
member who was recommended by the state of Gujarat and Salve. The apex
court itself has now found her wanting in the Sohrabuddin murder
investigation (the extrajudicial killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, his wife,
Kauser, and an eyewitness to the murder, Tulsiram Prajapati). In its
verdict dated January 12, 2010, the apex court indicted Johri for
concealing evidence and not investigating phone records of the accused. It
was only the raw courage of her junior colleague, Rajnish Rai, that led,
in April 2007, to the arrest of former deputy inspector-general of police
(DIG), DG Vanzara, for his involvement in the crime.
Ashish Bhatia, the third IPS officer who is part of the
SIT has been put in charge of both the Gulberg Society and the Naroda
Patiya and Naroda Gaon investigations. He has been responsible for filing
incomplete charge sheets and, even more seriously, of pressurising the
special public prosecutor (special PP) in the Gulberg case to function
unprofessionally against the interests of the prosecution.
Now, two years after the SIT’s appointment, the apex court
has found that serious allegations by CJP and victim survivors of
deliberately weak and unprofessional investigations by the SIT are not
without merit. Compelled by the evidence placed before it, the Supreme
Court needs to look again at the team’s composition.
Next month (April) the apex court will hear an application
for reconstitution of the SIT due largely to the complete failure of this
specially created body to do any justice to the complex and challenging
investigations. The solicitor general, Gopal Subramanium, along with
Harish Salve has been asked by the court to assist it in arriving at a
decision in the matter.
During the period between the time when CJP first filed
the application for reconstitution of the SIT (October 23, 2009) and the
time of the apex court’s decision to hear the matter in toto (March 15,
2010) significant developments on the ground have confirmed the
petitioners’ opinion that not much has changed on the ground in the state
of Gujarat. Special courts hearing the nine trials, which began
examination of witnesses, have shown increasing hostility towards the
The worst has been the conduct of the trial court judge in
the trial of the Gulberg Society massacre case, in which former
parliamentarian Ahsan Jaffri and 68 others were slaughtered in broad
daylight. Judge BU Joshi has been humiliating eyewitnesses in open court
with sarcastic comments and even refused them permission for dock-eye
identification of accused (walking up to the accused enclosure to identify
them). This has compelled eyewitnesses, backed by CJP, to seek transfer of
the case from the court of this judge.
In a dramatic development, the special public prosecutor,
RK Shah, resigned from his post on February 25, 2010 after blaming the
judge, in writing, of rank bias. As bad or worse, the letter also accuses
SIT member Ashish Bhatia of pressurising Shah to tilt the prosecution
against the eyewitnesses (see box, ‘Special public prosecutor resigns’).
Soon after its appointment in 2008, the SIT began its
investigations in May 2008. Detailed statements of eyewitnesses, rights
groups and others were recorded by officials of the Gujarat police
hand-picked by the SIT triumvirate (Jha, Johri and Bhatia) who were also
part of the state police. Right from the start there was marked hostility
towards those eyewitnesses and survivors whose petition in the apex court
had led to the constitution of the SIT in the first place.
Committed to the directives of the apex court, survivors
and groups like CJP meticulously recorded their disenchantment with the
SIT’s functioning but maintained a discreet silence in public. It was only
after charge sheets were filed by the SIT that the enormity of their
failure, painstakingly documented over months, was placed before the
Supreme Court through a special application on October 23, 2009.
On May 1, 2009 the apex court had finally lifted the stay
order on the nine trials and ordered the setting up of special courts and
the appointment of prosecutors of high standing and integrity for a
day-to-day trial. (Shortly before this, the state of Gujarat had
unsuccessfully attempted baseless charges against CJP’s secretary, Teesta
Setalvad, and lawyer, MM Tirmizi.)
The SIT was given extraordinary powers enabling it to
provide full protection to witnesses and to monitor the trials, ensuring
that the conduct of the courts was judicious and that the special PPs
chosen were men or women of integrity. Ten months later it can safely be
stated that the SIT has entirely failed in its responsibility to the apex
court. It has failed in its duty to oversee a professional and
non-partisan investigation just as it has failed in its responsibility to
ensure free and fair trials in Gujarat.
From June 2008 onwards, while recording the statements of
eyewitnesses, police officials deputed by the SIT, cross-examined
witnesses as if they were defence counsel rather than an investigating
team recording the statements of key eyewitnesses, statements that would
be crucial in the subsequent prosecution. This attitude was objected to in
writing. Neither of the two senior officers (Raghavan and Satpathy)
hand-picked by the apex court to head the SIT was available to hear the
complaints of witness survivors.
In November 2008, as officers from the lower echelons of
the Gujarat police began to harass witnesses with further interrogations
on specific aspects of their statements, especially concerning some of the
more well-connected accused, CJP urged Raghavan, in writing, to record
statements of key witnesses under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (CrPC), before a judicial magistrate, to reduce the chances of a
witness turning hostile. The SIT chief saw no merit in the suggestion.
The SIT attached no value to the affidavits of
eyewitnesses and survivors that had been submitted to the apex court or
other authorities since 2002. Never mind that it was these affirmed
testimonies that had prompted the apex court to intervene in the first
instance. Not only were witnesses grilled by the SIT about these
affidavits, the affidavits did not form part of the charge sheet filed by
the SIT.
In the Gulberg massacre case – 69 persons massacred in
broad daylight, including former parliamentarian Ahsan Jaffri – arguably
the strongest of all the cases in the ongoing trials, the SIT had excelled
itself. One set of statements had been recorded by SIT officials in
May-June 2008 at its specially appointed premises in Gandhinagar.
Mysteriously, four months later the investigating officer (IO), JM Suthar,
appointed by Ashish Bhatia, summoned some of the witnesses to another
location, the Special Operations Group (SOG) office in Juhapura. Agitated
witnesses complained about this to CJP which in turn complained about this
conduct in writing to the SIT chief, Raghavan.
Undeterred, the SIT used this occasion to conjure up a
false set of statements during September 2008, which utterly diluted the
first set of statements made by witnesses to the SIT. When the crucial
eyewitnesses began deposing before the trial court from November 2, 2009
onwards, each one of them denied ever having recorded a second statement.
A close scrutiny of the testimonies of witnesses in the
Gulberg massacre case reveals that the investigation by the SIT (aimed to
weaken its own prosecution case) has been torn to shreds. Witnesses have
with tremendous courage and dignity testified to the truth which the SIT
clearly wanted to suppress.
Ironically, it is when witnesses in the Gulberg and
Sardarpura cases showed adherence to the truth despite these pressures,
and even deposed (in the Gulberg case) about the abuse heaped by the chief
minister, Narendra Modi, on Ahsan Jaffri before he was killed on February
28, 2002, that the attitudes of the trial court judges turned hostile.
Inexplicably, witnesses were not allowed to step out of the witness box to
identify the accused (located 25-30 feet away). Applications to the court
to order further investigation where the SIT had failed were suddenly
There appears to be a clear understanding and collusion
between the investigating agency and some of the judicial officers hearing
the trials, which raises serious concerns about due process and
transparency. The fact that this can happen even with the apex court
keeping a sharp eye on these investigations speaks volumes about the
Gujarat state’s (the SIT and some judges included) adherence to
constitutional governance or lack thereof.
There are six broad areas that show up the investigations
by the SIT as being unprofessional and inadequate:
ط One. Absent are investigations into the charges of
complicity or inaction of police officers, especially seniors or those who
are the favourites of politicians, civil servants, ministers and
politically influential individuals, in these grave offences.
For example, there is documentary evidence of the active
connivance of Ahmedabad’s former joint commissioner of police (JCP), MK
Tandon. The SIT has simply left this aspect uninvestigated. Witnesses,
including police witnesses, have deposed about his visit to Gulberg
Society around 10:30 a.m. on February 28, 2002, accompanied by a fully
equipped strike force capable of and armed to deal with a violent mob.
Though he sees a gathering and restive mob, he leaves the spot; his
juniors have wondered why he left the place without leaving the
mob-control force behind. He moves to the Naroda area, where a full-scale
attack is also underway, but vanishes from there too, his force in tow.
At least four eyewitnesses from Gulberg have testified to
Tandon’s callous role in destroying evidence. Around 5:30 p.m. on the
evening of the bestial attack, when they were being rescued by a police
van, survivors Saeed Khan Pathan and Imtiaz Khan Pathan asked if they
could take the bodies of their near and dear ones, who had been raped and
killed, with them. “You look after yourself, we’ll take care of the dead,”
Tandon told them. The bodies of the 69 persons killed, naked and
butchered, were still recognisable at the time.
However, when they buried their relatives at the Kalandari
Masjid Kabrastan on March 3, 2002, these bodies had been reduced to ashes.
Is Tandon not culpable of allowing this to happen after 5:30 p.m. that
fateful day? But Tandon’s actions on that day have not been questioned by
the SIT.
Worse still, the special PP in the Gulberg trial, RK
Shah’s resignation letter reveals that Tandon’s evidence in court was
rushed through without documents being supplied to the PP. Call records of
his mobile phone show that Tandon visited Naroda Patiya after speaking to
PC Pande, the then commissioner of police (CP), Ahmedabad. Once there, he
found the crowd restive and was thus compelled to order a curfew, at 12:29
p.m. (Why curfew was not ordered until so much later remains a mystery.)
He left the area at 12:33 p.m. without ensuring that his curfew orders had
been acted upon. Naroda went up in flames soon thereafter.
Similarly, the former deputy mayor of Ahmedabad and an
influential lawyer, Jagrup Sinh Rajput, who has been named by witnesses in
their earlier statements and again in court, as also Manish Patel, the son
of a BJP corporator, have escaped the SIT net.
In the Naroda Patiya massacre, although numerous witnesses
have referred to police inspector (PI) KK Mysorewala (now a deputy
superintendent of police – DySP) ordering police firing on Muslims after
discussions with former minister, Maya Kodnani (she was an MLA in 2002),
he has not been arraigned. Incidentally, Maya Kodnani was arrested
following investigations by the SIT in the early phases. According to
witnesses, Mysorewala is said to have told those seeking protection that
there were instructions/orders from higher authorities not to protect the
targeted: “There is no order to save Muslims, you have to die today.”
The SIT has also ignored several other witness statements
charging State Reserve Police (SRP) personnel, especially SRP officer, KP
Parekh, with firing on fleeing Muslim victims, encouraging the mob to
attack Muslims and categorically refusing to protect Muslims. Parekh too
had told the hapless victims: “Today you have to die. No one can save you.
We will never save you. We have orders from higher authorities to kill
you.” Despite the witness statements recorded by the SIT that indict
Parekh, he has not been made an accused.
ط Two. The SIT has deliberately avoided investigating the
carefully planned build-up of arsenal, men and arms, in the state prior to
the Godhra tragedy of February 27, 2002. This stockpiling of bombs,
swords, gas cylinders and chemical powders in preparation for the carnage
that followed Godhra has been exposed both in Tehelka’s sting
‘Operation Kalank’ and the affidavits filed by former additional director
general of police (ADGP), RB Sreekumar, before the Nanavati-Shah
Commission. Now, eight months after the trials began, this ominous
build-up is being corroborated by testimonies of eyewitnesses, leading to
the inevitable question of whether this omission by the SIT is part of a
planned effort not to probe the sinister build-up in Gujarat prior to
February 27, 2002.
Any exploration of this could expose once and for all the
‘conspiracy’ theory behind Godhra, which has been used by Narendra Modi’s
government, and Hindutva, to justify the post-Godhra genocidal carnage.
Interestingly, as far as the Godhra trial is concerned, the SIT has
swallowed the state’s ‘conspiracy’ theory hook, line and sinker and has
not even bothered to file a fresh charge sheet.
At least three prosecution witnesses among those examined
so far, including Sabir Hakumiya and Ibrahimiya Rasoomiya, in their
statements before the SIT and in testimonies before the court, have named
the sarpanch of Sardarpura, Kanu Joita Patel, the then minister for
transport, Narayan Lallu Patel, and Haresh Bhatt, former MLA from Godhra,
as inciting mobs and distributing arms. At least eight witness statements
recorded by the SIT suggest that prior to the incident of March 1, 2002,
signs of a build-up were evident. Yet the SIT has chosen not to
investigate this matter. Obviously, the SIT simply does not want to go
into this crucial aspect of the Gujarat 2002 carnage. The SIT probe team
is apparently jittery and evasive about delving into the sinister plan
behind this build-up, suggesting collusion with the Gujarat state
ط Three. The SIT has been reluctant to properly
investigate documentary evidence, including phone call records, mobile van
records, control room registers and fire brigade registers. A scrutiny of
these would indicate the levels and extent of preplanning and conspiracy
involved in the post-Godhra violence.
In spite of cries for help, as is evident from the hours
and hours of phone call records, no help came to Gulberg Society where 69
Muslims were burnt or hacked to death over a period of 11 hours. The SIT
wholly failed to inquire into/investigate the circumstances in which
repeated calls for police assistance went unheeded. In this case, the SIT
has arraigned 25 persons, including KG Erda, the then inspector of the
Meghaninagar police station, who was in the area at the time of the
carnage. Erda’s phone records show that during the hours of the carnage on
February 27-28, 2002 he made several calls to the police control room, the
police commissioner, PC Pande, JCP MK Tandon and deputy commissioner of
police (DCP) PB Gondia.
While the SIT has interrogated Tandon, it has taken no
appropriate action, say the petitioners. In fact, Tandon admitted before
the Nanavati Commission that he had been informed that Ahsan Jaffri was in
danger. Pande, the records show, had even visited Jaffri and told him that
police protection would be provided. Phone records show that both Tandon
and Pande were in touch with the police officers in the riot-hit areas.
Yet Jaffri was killed. The petitions point out that
records show that Jaffri made nearly 200 calls for assistance. Some of
these were to the police control room. At the time cabinet ministers Ashok
Bhatt and IK Jadeja were in the control room but no one helped Jaffri.
An analysis of the phone calls made to and from the phone
of PI KK Mysorewala (who has mysteriously not been made an accused) shows
that he received a call from Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Jaideep
Patel, an accused in the Naroda Patiya and Naroda Gaon cases. The timing
of the call, as recorded, was when the massacre was at its worst. The SIT
has not thought it necessary to obtain records of mobile phone calls made
by senior and local police officials in the Sardarpura and Odh massacres
One of the most chilling revelations came to light after
CJP conducted a citizen’s investigation into the record of five lakh phone
calls and submitted its findings to the SIT. These records pinpoint the
location of police officials and key men belonging to the chief minister’s
coterie at Meghaninagar, where Gulberg Society is located, and at Narol,
in the Naroda area, a day before the carnage i.e. February 27, 2002. The
presence of key members of the Narendra Modi administration and some
police officers at Naroda and Meghaninagar on February 27 is especially
noteworthy because it raises questions with regard to the state of
Gujarat’s blithe claims, made in all official statements, that there was
inadequate force deployment in Meghaninagar and Naroda because these were
not traditionally communally sensitive areas. Why then were key members of
the Modi coterie present in the very localities where mass carnage was
orchestrated the next day?
An analysis of the locational details of some of Gujarat’s
politically powerful persons makes chilling reading. On the day of the
Godhra incident (February 27), around the time when the chief minister was
in Godhra, planning to bring the charred bodies of the train fire victims
to Ahmedabad, itself a highly questionable decision, the then minister for
health, Ashok Bhatt, was present at Narol, in the Naroda area, at
the unearthly hour of 5:10 a.m. Why? (Bhatt has been accused of sitting in
the Ahmedabad city police control room the next day with the specific task
of preventing the police from doing their duty,)
The next day (February 28), before he had parked himself
in the police control room at 9:55 a.m., his mobile phone location places
Bhatt at Narol, in the Naroda area. This was around the time the massacre
began. While he is there, he receives a few crucial calls. One of them is
from Tanmay Mehta, personal assistant (PA) to the chief minister, who was
also at Naroda, at 4:03 p.m. that day. Why? Another PA to the chief
minister, OP Singh, also calls Bhatt and is also in the area, at around 4
p.m. that afternoon. Two other influential persons present at Naroda on
the evening of February 28 were Ashok Narayan, the then additional chief
secretary, home (around 5:41 p.m.) and IK Jadeja, the then minister for
urban development (around 5:35 p.m.). (Jadeja has also been accused of
sitting in the state police control room at Gandhinagar throughout the
Equally sinister is the presence of political bigwigs in
Meghaninagar where Gulberg Society is located. Ashok Bhatt was present in
and around the Shayona Plaza, a building in the area owned by influential
businessman, Ghanshyam Patel, at 3:48 p.m. on February 27, 2002. Anil
Mukim, additional principal chief secretary to the chief minister, was
also in the area, at 3:33 p.m. Mukim was also in the same area at 4
p.m. and then again at 10 p.m. that night. Others present at Meghaninagar
on the day the chief minister was in Godhra include OP Singh, PA to the
chief minister, at 3:48:16; PK Mishra, principal secretary to the chief
minister, at 3:48 p.m.; and Tanmay Mehta, PA to the chief minister, at
3:35 p.m. Interestingly, among the policemen found to have been in the
same area on February 27 is PB Gondia, DCP, Zone IV, who is there at
00:36 i.e. early in the morning of February 28. On the day of the
massacres at Gulberg Society, Naroda Patiya and Naroda Gaon, IK Jadeja was
in the Meghaninagar area at 3:56 p.m. while Gujarat’s minister of state
for home, Gordhan Zadaphiya, was there at 5 p.m.
ط Four. The SIT has shown itself to be no better than the
Gujarat police in its failure to apply for cancellation of bail for
powerful accused responsible for the post-Godhra violence – despite
clear-cut directions in the Supreme Court order that it may do so (see
box, ‘Post-Godhra accused out on bail’). The discriminatory bail
patterns related to Gujarat 2002 have been and remain a cause for
considerable concern.
Eighty-six of those accused in the Godhra train burning
incident have been in jail without bail for the past eight years. During
this matter’s six-year history before the Supreme Court, CJP and the
amicus curiae, Harish Salve, had on several occasions pointed out with
documentary support that even the Gujarat high court had routinely granted
bail to people like Babu Bajrangi Patel and others accused of mass rape
and murder. In some cases, like the Odh massacre case, the accused were
even granted anticipatory bail without any objections being raised by the
special public prosecutors. The SIT has fallen in line with this
discriminatory practice and allowed those accused of mass rape, murder and
conspiracy to roam free while the trials are on.
This has meant that a person like Babu Bajrangi Patel,
accused number one in the Naroda Patiya massacre – who proudly told
Tehelka on camera that he was the one who slit open the womb of Kauser
Bano, pulled out a live male foetus and proceeded to dismember it with a
sword – roams free in Ahmedabad. More than half a dozen witnesses have
named Bajrangi in their statements before the SIT.
It also means that Suresh Langda Richard Chhara – who
boasted to Tehelka that he was responsible for multiple rapes of
girls and women at Patiya and for which he was garlanded and congratulated
by Narendra Modi on the evening of February 28, 2002 – also roams free on
the streets of Ahmedabad while the trial continues and witnesses depose
against him within the court.
In the charge sheet filed by the SIT itself, 53 witnesses
have named Suresh Langda Richard Chhara as instigating the mob to rape,
kill and burn Muslims and as being directly involved in murder and rape.
As many as 15 witnesses have named Babu Bajrangi Patel as the leader of
the mob that slaughtered 95 people, as having personally killed several
and as having cut open the stomach/womb of Kauser Bano and killed the
foetus. Despite this, the SIT has not moved the court for cancellation of
his bail. He roams free today and continues to threaten and intimidate
victims and witnesses. What’s more, he has even been allowed to go abroad.
Incidentally, Babu Bajrangi Patel had also stated, on
videotape to Tehelka, that he had been protected/housed by the
chief minister, Narendra Modi, in a state government guest house at Mount
Abu, that his bail had been managed and that judges had been changed to
ensure that he was granted bail. He stated that after Justice Dholakia had
refused him bail, his case was brought before Justice Akshay Mehta in
order to ensure that bail was granted. Apparently, there has been no
investigation/inquiry into these aspects by the SIT. Justice Akshay Mehta
now assists Justice Nanavati in probing the cause of the 2002 violence.
ط Five. The SIT has failed to take adequate steps to
prevent threats to and intimidation of witnesses. The most shocking aspect
of this has been the actual involvement of SIT-deputed officials, Noel
Parmar and JR Mothaliya, in the kidnapping and torture of Ilyas Hussain
Mulla, a prosecution witness in the Godhra train burning case (see
accompanying story, ‘Kidnapping and torture’).
In fact, in the ongoing trial of the Godhra train burning
case, the SIT has fully endorsed the theory put forward by the Gujarat
police and has not probed at all into the revelations made through
Tehelka’s ‘Operation Kalank’. In this sting operation, witnesses
stated on camera that they had been bribed by the Gujarat police to speak
in favour of the police’s “conspiracy” theory. Whatever the facts of the
matter, given the sensitivities involved in the case, the SIT ought to
have investigated these allegations thoroughly and not left this
Initially, Noel Parmar, a police officer accused of
complicity, was given several extensions even after his retirement from
the Gujarat police. The SIT continued to use his services as well and he
was only removed from the team after an uproar in the media. And although
the special PP in this matter has been defending the state of Gujarat’s
conspiracy theory as special PP since the start of the trial, the SIT has
not seen fit to replace him, not even in the interests of transparency.
In CJP’s application in the apex court, asking for
reconstitution of the SIT, it has been pointed out that the superintendent
of police (SP), Panchmahal, JR Mothaliya, was holding witnesses to ransom
and thereby trying to influence testimonies. In fact, the advocate for the
accused, AA Hasan, had objected to his presence in court during the trial
because as an investigating officer, he cannot be present in the courtroom
when evidence is being recorded. The same Mothaliya is being accused of
torturing a prosecution witness.
ط Six. The investigation carried out by the SIT fails to
measure up to any standard of independence or professionalism because of
its deliberate exclusion of key witnesses who have given statements
earlier or those who should have been made witnesses in the nine cases.
In the cases relating to the Naroda Patiya and Naroda Gaon
massacres, in which more than 110 persons were brutally murdered and
several women and girls were raped, the SIT has simply not recorded the
statements of 129 witnesses.
The utterly brazen manner in which the SIT has chosen not
to include Rahul Sharma, former DCP, Crime Branch, Ahmedabad, as witness
in the Gulberg massacre case, despite an application by CJP on November
14, 2009, makes its actions more and more suspicious. Sharma had been
brought in as DCP in 2002, to be part of the investigations into the
Gulberg, Naroda Patiya and Naroda Gaon cases which were then being
investigated by the Crime Branch, Ahmedabad.
Sharma had collated the mobile phone records of the five
lakh calls made during the relevant period (from two companies at the time
– AT&T and Cellforce) and had submitted this, on CD, to his superiors. A
copy was also submitted to the Nanavati-Shah Commission when Sharma
deposed before it. In an application to the SIT on November 14, 2009, CJP
and witnesses pointed out that the testimony of this officer and the
evidence he had elicited and presented (also available with the SIT) would
be critical in the Gulberg trial as well. Specifically, this evidence
would be critical in corroborating phone calls made by the accused,
influential politicians, victims, etc and in evaluating the effectiveness
of the state’s response.
In a letter to the then police commissioner, KR Kaushik,
dated June 4, 2002, a copy of which Sharma produced before the commission,
he detailed the questionable manner in which investigations into these
three cases were being carried out.
The SIT’s response to these requests demonstrates a
studied unconcern. When asked about the phone records of Ahsan Jaffri, the
SIT said that the records of phone calls made from the landline of the
brutally slain former parliamentarian “have been destroyed”. Since
November 2, 2009, at least three crucial eyewitnesses have deposed that
Jaffri made frantic calls in vain. When he called the chief minister, he
was abused by the latter, after which he decided to give himself up to the
mob so that other innocent lives may be saved.
The SIT could have been systematic in its investigations
and delved into how and why Jaffri’s records were destroyed, by whom and
under whose instructions or orders. On May 9 and 28, 2008, when Teesta
Setalvad deposed before the SIT, she had stressed the need for the SIT to
investigate the contents of the CD and especially Jaffri’s phone records.
This reluctance on the part of the SIT to get to the
bottom of critical communications between those in power, those in
responsible positions of law enforcement and administration and key
accused who guided, led attacks and ensured that killings, rape and arson
took place appears to stem from a calculated design to shield, not punish,
the guilty.
The SIT has been as tardy in investigating station diary
entries, phone call records and fire brigade registers.
The singular lack of investigation has to be viewed in the
context of the fact that the SIT’s main investigation officers, Geeta
Johri, Shivanand Jha and Ashish Bhatia, are all Gujarat-cadre officers who
were subordinate and answerable to those accused of mass murder and
criminal conspiracy. They are also in the service of and under the control
of the Gujarat government which, for obvious reasons, has resisted any
form of investigation into the riots.
With the March 15 decision of the apex court to seriously
investigate the allegations of unprofessional functioning by the SIT, hope
has again blossomed for the beleaguered victims of the Gujarat carnage.