us ______________________________________________________
In a nutshell, the philosophy of
means "all colours") was started in 1993 to provide information on, analyse
and expose the machinations of communal politics in India, on the subcontinent
and abroad and to publicise the attempt of secular individuals, groups
and organisations engaged in fighting them. We stand for equal respect
to all religions but are opposed to the cynical manipulation of faith in
the pursuit of power. Therefore we are opposed to both majority and minority
Communalism Combat
Archive --
Feedback --Subscription --
The riot in the mind festers for long before
it spills onto the streets... and can often be prevented by responsible
information, debate and dialogue.
Communalism Combat, a monthly in an attractive
reader-friendly format, has been, since August 1993, doing just that. Publishing
analyses and exposures of the manipulations of communal political parties,
both of the majority and the minority, as also soul-searching personal
accounts of individuals from India, the sub-continent and abroad engaged
in battling the forces that divide.
Articles and ideas from the grassroots are always
welcome. Already we reach over 4,500 schools and 1,500 colleges.
Here is what some people have to say about Combat... (TESTIMONIALS)
From January 1998, we will also be producing a
monthly Wallpaper on communal harmony, in Hindi. These will be distributed
for display at schools and community centres. Khoj -- secular education programme
Khoj for teachers --
Aman --Index
-- |
KHOJ, Prejudice is consciously or unconsciously
passed on from generation to generation by way of communal prejudice, gender
and caste biases. Since June 1994 we have been researching extensively
on creative modules that can evolve into full-fledged intervention within
the social studies syllabus to prejudice at different levels. KHOJ, our
secular education programme, is today successfully running in many Bombay
schools. In another three years we hope to be ready with a versatile multi-media
educational kit that can be implemented through the social studies syllabus.
Volunteers who may want to join in are welcome
to get in touch.
AMAN, an olive branch of the KHOJ project is an
attempt to link children of South Asia with each other. Already children
from Karachi have been ccorresponding with each other through the Aman
peacepals programme and we are hoping to visit each other in an exchange
soon. We have printed peace T-shirts using a logo created by a Pakistani